Tuesday, 17 May 2016

8 Weeks wait and Still Counting

Aaaaaaah! My friend Melody who waited 2 weeks and a half for her mission call to arrive, who is a year younger than me and a friend who moved into my ward from the Gold Coast about 3 months ago, she had a wonderful opportunity to be very happy this evening because she got to open her mission call tonight.

I think I will make another post about where she got called to serve, when she will be reporting to the MTC/Missionary Training Center and what language she has to prepare and teach the gospel in.

She was able to find out what language you will have to prepare and teach the gospel for her mission.
She was able to find out when she will be reporting to the MTC/Missionary Training Center.
She was able to find out all information that she needs to know before her mission.
She was able to find out all information that she needs to do before her mission.

I was so happy for her and I am grateful that she made the decision to go and serve a mission. I know that she will make a great Sister Missionary one day. I must admit that I am a little jealous because she got her mission call way before me and it is so unfair.

I got a little distracted and back to the main purpose for this post. I encourage you to think about the following question, What was the first thing came to your mind when you read this blog post's title
"8 Weeks wait and Still Counting"?
I can tell you that I have been waiting for my mission call for 8 weeks and my mission call still hasn't arrived. I have seen many YSAs getting their mission calls way before me. I have seen many YSAs getting engaged quickly. I have seen some people getting married at a young age and don't get themselves attending much in Young Single Adults events.

I don't know if Heavenly Father has other plans in store for me instead of going a mission or not.
I don't know what the reasons are why my mission call still hasn't arrive.

I could only hope that my mission call will arrive soon. It has been so hard to stay strong and remain positive during the wait for my mission call to arrive. Heavenly Father has been teaching me a lot of patience.

I expected my mission call would have arrived within 3 weeks to 6 weeks. I never expected my mission call to arrive after 6 weeks. I just want my mission call to arrive here already and start counting down the days until I leave to report to the Missionary Training Center. After the time for being in the MTC/Missionary Training Center, I can start counting down the days until I return home.
I still get asked if I was a Returned Missionary.

I don't have much else to say.

Stay Tuned until next time.

1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father knows exactly where He needs you and when. Do not be discouraged. Be patient. He knows all.
