Monday 26 September 2016

The Last Three Crazy Days

This post is short and sweet. I encourage you to think about and answer the following questions in your own time. Can you believe how time flies while you are not keeping an eye on what time it is?

Can you believe how time flies while you are keeping busy?
Can you believe how time flies while you are having fun?

Can you believe how time goes slow while you keep looking at the time for a few minutes?
How was your day today? Did you do some service today? Did you made a new friend?
Did you go and visit someone who you have not seen for awhile?

I would like to share with you, my last three days and it is best described that each of those days was crazy days.
Last Friday was crazy day for me because I spent some time with my Dad, I placed the order of a cake for Elder Wehi's Homecoming Party, I did some shopping and a few other things. Wow! Time flies while I am keeping busy and time also flies when I am driving to places.

Last Saturday was another crazy day for me because I took photos of a wedding from 10:30am to 7:30pm. I had some break but man, it was full on. I remembered my face was red and both of my arms was red like sunburnt.

Yesterday was another crazy day for me because I started off the day with sleeping in and then watched the last hour of General Women's Conference LIVE. I eventually went to Church from 1pm to 4pm. The weather was crazy. It rained during a close friend's sacrament and most members looked at the windows instead of paying attention to the speaker. Oh well.

It is good to have crazy days in life because sometimes those crazy days makes great memories to look back on. I do not have much else to say.
Stay Tuned until next time.

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