Wednesday 25 March 2015


I was thinking and writing about the things that I really am grateful for. There is never enough to be grateful for. I am most grateful for being a Latter Day Saint. I love the many teachings that I have been taught from being in Primary, in Young Women's, and now being a Young Single Adult. 

I am so grateful that I have been able to help with some of my friends. I don't have answers to every question. Some questions has got me, really to think about it. I love receiving appreciation in return.

Here's a video below that talks about Gratitude.If you unable to see the video, the video is called "Elder Hales talks about Gratitude"
In closing, if you have seen the video; I encourage you to ask yourself four questions.

Have your thoughts about Gratitude changed while watching the video? If so, in what way?

If not, in what ways could you change your thoughts about Gratitude?

What were your thoughts about Gratitude?

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