Friday 20 May 2016

Always Learning Something New

What a beautiful morning it was for me and my guy friend named Jacob. We attended a wonderful Baptistery Session together with a few other members. For me, it was amazing feeling to be back 
at the Temple. I love the Temple so much. 

This morning, I felt so much comfort, so much happiness and peace. While Jacob was attending Endowment session at the Temple, I decided to wait for him. After 45 minutes after he went in, I decided to blog. I am excited to tell you that I learned a lot of lessons today and I am willing to share with you a few of those lessons.

Lesson #1 - Wait and listen to the members when they ask questions about something they aren't 100% certain about or just to check things so that they aren't getting the wrong impression. 

I was waiting inside the Temple in the waiting room and about 15 minutes after Jacob left me, a breathen saw me sitting alone and reading the past month issue of New Era. He decided to ask me some serious questions and my mind thought those questions was funny.

He had the impression that me and Jacob was together/boyfriend and girlfriend. I would like to share with you the 2 questions that he asked me and it was in order. He allowed me to answer the questions after asking me 3 questions at a time. "Where did your boyfriend go?" "Wait, is he your boyfriend?" 

I explained to the breathen that Jacob isn't my boyfriend, he is my friend. He is in Endownment session, The breathen was amazed and there was a Sister who was listening the conversation, she seemed shocked. 
Lesson #2 - Some things takes longer than expected to heal after the pain has been caused.
I don't really want to share the experience how I learnt the lesson. It is too personal to share. All I could describe it as, it was painful and I didn't want to talk. I knew I had to say something. After I did say something so a little, I immediately walked outside of the Temple. 

I was hoping the pain will just go away. The pain wouldn't go away straight away. I was feeling so disappointed at myself because I knew that I would feel uncomfortable at sometime at the Temple this day. 

I thank the Holy Ghost and Heavenly Father for warning me but I still went ahead to go to the Temple and attended a session with Jacob. I eventually feel happiness again about 10 minutes or so later.

Lesson #3 - Sharing thanks to Heavenly Father more often and sharing thanks for other things.
I thought I was already thanking Heavenly Father enough. I just found out that I wasn't thanking Heavenly Father enough and I needed to share thanks with him more often and sharing thanks for other things. There are many opportunities to thank Heavenly Father for other things.

I am still amazed for myself to feel so appreciative for him and the Holy Ghost to warn me about feeling uncomfortable at the Temple. Heavenly Father and the Holy Ghost are amazing.

I could share all the other lessons, but it was so many. 

Stay Tuned until next time.

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