Tuesday 20 October 2015

With Him We Can

This post is short and sweet. I hope you will love this post as much as I do.
This post is based on a song that I love called "With Him We Can by Mercy River."

If you haven't heard of the song, I encourage you to listen to the song.
Here's a video of the song below and I hope you will like it.
If you can't see the video above, here's the link below;

What was your favourite part/s of the song when you were listening to the song?
If you didn't have a favourite part/s, what part/s stood out to you the most?

I had 2 favourite parts of the song, and I would like to share those parts with you.
1st Favourite part:
If you can't see what the image says above, it says "When we let Him guide us to where we should be The peace inside is as warm as spring We can feel His love encircling each of us"

2nd Favourite part:
If you can't see what the image says above, it says "He knows that everyone falls down He's reaching His hands To lift up and strengthen us all now He helps us stand Higher than we ever knew how Through things that we can't do alone So we'll know that with Him we can"

The next time when you are struggling or having a rough time or having a hard time,  
I encourage you to listen to the song again.
Stay Tuned until next time.

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