Friday 18 March 2016

Trust in You

First and foremost, what does "Trust in You" means to you?

One week and two days ago, I was watching a great Swedish admiration movie called "Beyond Beyond" and I was able to watch the movie in English language. While I was watching the movie, I learnt some great things.

If you haven't heard the movie "Beyond Beyond" before, here's the movie trailer below.
If you can't see the trailer, here's the link for the movie trailer below.

This post isn't based on the movie. This post is based on one of the songs that was playing during the movie. I loved all the songs that has played during the movie. All the songs was by Jesse Pruett.

I would share with you, the song called "Trust in You" by Jesse Pruett. Have you heard that song before? The song is worth listening to. Here's the audio clip of the song below.
If you can't see the audio clip, here's the link. 
If you listened to it, do you have a favourite part of the song? 
If you do have a favourite part, what was it? 

You may ask me "Do you have a favourite part? If so, what was it?"
My answer, "Yes I do have a favourite part. I actually have more than one favourite part. I will share with you my first favourite part, That part mentions "Wherever I am, Wherever I go, Your Spirit is with me. I’m never alone."
I always strive to go to places where I can feel the Holy Spirit, especially to places where I can receive promptings and guidance. I always put my trust in Heavenly Father that I am never alone when I have the Holy Ghost with me. I also always put my trust in Heavenly Father for allowing certain things happen in his timing.

I hope you always put your trust in Heavenly Father.

Stay Tuned until next time.

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