Wednesday 2 December 2015

Bring About Great Things

I was looking at a website and it was about LDS Kids learning scriptures. It was a great website to have a look around. The link is below;

What does the scripture means to you?

As for me, it means that by small things to Heavenly Father, will turn those small things into great things. Sometimes, those small things turn into big things. For an example, when we were younger talking to our parents about little things at a time, as we got older, we got to know more words and bigger words. We talk to our parents about big things.

Heavenly Father knows those little things like stepping stones at a time that will make a huge difference one day. Another example will be when we first started our testimonies, it's always used to be short. As we got older, we were able to experience heaps of new things, we were able to build and strengthen our testimonies and bigger and better.

We all start somewhere in our life with a starting point, throughout time with progressing, we get better at doing things, we able to learn more things to understand of what they mean. Always remember great things happened when those little things start.

Stay Tuned until next time.

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