Monday 21 December 2015

The Choice is Yours

We all have Agency. What is Agency?
Agency is the ability and privilege God gives us to choose and to act for ourselves.
This post is based on a Ensign Article in March 2007 called "Prophet, Church Leaders Counsel Youth at Fireside by Stephanie Long."
Gordon B. Hinckley says Be smart. “You need all the education you can get. You should sacrifice anything that is needed to be sacrificed to qualify yourselves to do the work of the world. Train your mind and your hands to become an influence for good as you go forward with your life.”

Be Prayerful. “None of us can do it alone. Prayer will change your life. It will bring you peace. It will give you direction and guidance. It will help you feel that you are not alone in this big and sometimes brutal world. The Lord answers our prayers. I know that.”

Sister Tanner said that virtuous thought would invite the companionship of the Holy Ghost, and one could find confidence and comfort in such a companionship. Sharing a personal story, she spoke of a time when she was struggling with despair, yet found comfort in thinking positive thoughts.

“I concentrated on three things: Finals will be over in three weeks. I know my family loves me. And I know Heavenly Father loves me. These thoughts elevated me enough to feel the comfort and guidance of the Holy Ghost through a difficult time.”

Everyone struggles with hard times, everyone needs to be rescued from time to time, but everyone has a loving Heavenly Father who is always there, Sister Tanner said. Personally living by the motto “I can do hard things,” Sister Tanner encouraged all the youth to resolve to let virtue garnish their thoughts unceasingly, that their confidence may wax strong in the presence of God."

In your own time, you can read the whole talk, Here's the link below,

What does the choice is yours means to you?
What does agency means to you?
Stay Tuned until next time.

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