Monday 31 August 2015

The Same Hardships as Everyone Else

Almost 2 months ago, I learnt from one of my Best Friends that we suffer from the same hardships as everyone else. I would like to add, we also aren't perfect in this life. We both have the same religion but that doesn't make us perfect.  
It is normal to have days to feel down and the other days to feel happy. I don't expect anyone to be perfect. I would like people to acknowledge the differences of their emotions and use it wisely at the right time and in the right place. 

"I would like to share my Testimony with you. I know that we all go through hardship times, trails, struggles and tribulations; that's just apart of life. All religious people that you know and you think they are perfect, well they aren't perfect either. 

I encourage you to seek help and guidance from Heavenly Father/God through prayer when you are going through hardship times. He will help us to get through those times when we put our trust and faith in him.

I leave these things are true, In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."

Stay tuned until next time.

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