Monday, 14 September 2015

Be Ye Reconciled to God

Yesterday morning, I attended Church. I attended North Pine Ward for the first time.
I love learning something new. I learnt a lot during my time in the ward.

I would like to share with you what I learnt in Young Single Adult Sunday School Class.
All what I shared is part of the Student Manual for the Sunday School Class. 
It was a great lesson.
"Be Ye Reconciled to God"

1. Overcoming Tribulation
“Alma revealed that Jesus knows how to succor us in the midst of our griefs and sicknesses precisely because Jesus has already borne our griefs and sicknesses (Alma 7:11–12). He knows them firsthand; thus His empathy is earned. Of course, we do not comprehend it fully any more than we understand how He bore all mortal sins, but His Atonement remains the rescuing and reassuring reality” 

2. Forgiving Others
“If there be any who nurture in their hearts the poisonous brew of enmity toward another, I plead with you to ask the Lord for strength to forgive. This expression of desire will be of the very substance of your repentance. It may not be easy, and it may not come quickly. But if you will seek it with sincerity and cultivate it, it will come."
3. Feeling Guilty Sorrow
President Spencer W. Kimball explained: “If one is sorry only because someone found out about his sin, his repentance is not complete. Godly sorrow causes one to want to repent, even though he has not been caught by others, and makes him determined to do right no matter what happens. This kind of sorrow brings righteousness and will work toward forgiveness”

4. Becoming reconciled to God
Elder Bruce R. McConkie taught: “Reconciliation is the process of ransoming man from his state of sin and spiritual darkness and of restoring him to a state of harmony and unity with Deity. Man, who was once carnal and evil, who lived after the manner of the flesh, becomes a new creature of the Holy Ghost; he is born again; and, even as a little child, he is alive in Christ”

Here's the link to the reference of the Sunday School manual

Stay Tuned until next time.

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