Saturday 9 January 2016

Beauty Comes from the Heart

This post is short and sweet. A recent song that I loved is called "Inside Out by Aaliyah Rose."
For the first time of me listening to the song, I wanted to keep listening to the song over and over again. If you haven't heard the song before, I encourage you to listen to the song in your own time. Below is the audio of the song. The song is one of the EFY songs.
If you can't see the video above, here's the link.
If you listened to the song, I encourage you to think about the following two questions.
What were your thoughts about the song? What was your favourite part if you have one?

I will share with you about my thoughts about the song and my favourite part of the song.
My thoughts about the song was, the song has a great tune, it is a great song and I liked a part that mentions "You don't have to dress like anyone else does." is very true because I don't dress like anyone else. My favourite part of the song was "Beauty comes from the heart ..."
I don't know why it was my favourite part but I really loved that part. It is very true.

Stay Tuned until next time.

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