Monday 4 January 2016

Change in the Making

This post is short and sweet. I really love a song called "Change in the Making by Addison Road." I like Mercy River's version of the song and I can't find their version.

If you haven't heard the song before, I encourage you to listen to the song in your own time. Below is the video of the song lyrics.
If you can't see the video above, here's the link below.

If you have listened to the song, what was your favourite part of the song?
My favourite part was "There's a better version of me that I can't quite see but things are gonna change."
My favourite part applies to me because I know there is a better version of me that I can't quite see. I know the mission will change me. It will change my life. During my mission, I hope I will be able to apply more Christ-like attributes to my everyday life and to everyone who I meet.

During my mission, I think I will have so much love for my family, so much love for the Saviour, so much love for my Heavenly Father, so much love for my friends and so much love for anyone who I meet.

Stay Tuned until next time.

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